Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

The Value of Experience in Carlsbad Divorce

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2020 | Divorce

What is the value of experience in a Carlsbad divorce? Why should you hire an attorney to represent you in your divorce? How do you value your time? Do you wish to keep costs down while accomplishing your goals in the divorce? If there is a way to reduce the stress and emotional burden of the divorce is that of interest to you?

The State of California recently confirmed that more than 80% of divorces were filed by the parties themselves. Why are fewer people attempting to handle a divorce on their own? Why is it less than half of those who begin their divorce on their own complete their divorce without an attorney?

The short answer is the complexity of the forms and the ability to reach agreement on every issue contained within the final orders. In order for your divorce to be completed there must be complete resolution on every aspect of the divorce including but not limited to the division of community property and the family home, to child custody and parenting time, child support and spousal support, the division of assets such as business ownership as well as allocation of retirement assets.

The majority of former spouses are not able to resolve the issue(s) above without guidance, help or an appearance before a North County Family Law Court (the most time consuming and expensive option of all).

Our attorneys have represented clients before these courts for decades. This experience informs the conversations we have with our clients and the advice and counsel we offer. It is reflected in our negotiation skill and the diversity of options we are able to share in order to help resolve issues in dispute.

How do you value your time? Those without an attorney must take large blocks of time off of work to go to the courthouse, stand in line at the free help clinic, research paperwork and make court appearances. Unfortunately, in many of these court appearances the judge must admonish the parties for lack of preparation, as well as incomplete or unenforceable paperwork. Recently, a San Diego family court judge lamented the time it takes for people to complete a divorce on their own. The judge always asks those who appear before him how long they’ve been trying to complete the divorce and the “answer is almost always more than a year.”

Part of the value of experience in a Carlsbad divorce is the peace of mind you will experience working with us throughout the process.  What is peace of mind worth? Our clients consistently write to us to thank us for helping them through the process and putting them in a position of empowerment and strength moving forward. Divorce doesn’t have to be a heated battle. In fact, several large studies have shown the more a party in a divorce takes part in developing the resolution of an issue the less likely it is that issue will be contested in post-decree litigation down the road.

We help our clients to minimize the emotional burden. We work proactively and positively to recommend solutions, negotiate resolution to areas of disagreement and help the parties to find common ground and move the divorce to completion. The skills they learn along the way help to prepare those with children for the give-and-take of co-parenting after the divorce is completed.

How do you keep cost down and move through a divorce in a timely manner? The greatest source of “cost” in a divorce (both in terms of money and emotions) as well as time is disagreement. All disagreement must be completely resolved, one way or another, before a divorce can be granted.

What is the value of experience and the skilled Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq? Our decades of experience in court and mediation provide informed perspective to our clients. We draw upon this experience to provide multiple alternatives to help our clients resolve disagreement and move forward. We help to reduce the emotional burden while ensuring our client accomplishes the most important goals and objectives of their heart.

We invite you to review the comments and recommendations of our clients, and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment with one of our Certified Family Law Specialists. Ask about the benefit of experience and how you can save time, money and emotional turmoil in your divorce.

